Chakra Healers

Awakening of Chakras 
 There are six centres- mooladhara, swadhisthana, manipura, anahata, vishuddhi, and ajna chakra, situated at certain points. Why do you not awaken and energise them? Why do you waste your time quarrelling and fighting with the mind all day long, wrestling with yourself constantly, twisting your own neck? This is suicide! Awaken your chakras instead.

How do you awaken the chakras? Kriya yoga says that by moola bandha you awaken mooladhara chakra, by vajroli mudra you awaken swadhisthana chakra, and by uddiyana bandha you awaken manipura chakra. By jalandhara bandha you awaken vishuddhi chakra and by shambhavi mudra you awaken ajna chakra. Why not try these practices? Once the chakras are awakened, experiences will begin to flow.

Expansion of the mind takes place within, the moment you start practising your mantra. If you do not have a mantra, use Om. Om is not copyright material, it is free. Just practise Om in mooladhara chakra for one month, in swadhisthana chakra for one month, in manipura chakra for one month, in anahata chakra for one month. With practice you will strike at the right point. It may not happen immediately or even in ten, twenty or thirty days, but suddenly you will begin to feel it. After you have practised awakening the chakras through mantra or by concentration, there are many techniques in kriya yoga which you can practise.

These chakras are definitely the basis for the beginning of the expanded state of awareness, but for the most part they are beyond your reach. You cannot even bore a nail into them because you do not know exactly where they are. Each chakra has a contact centre. Swadhisthana has a contact centre at the root of the urinary organ or the clitoris. Manipura has a contact centre at the navel, anahata at the sternum, vishuddhi at the throat and ajna at bhrumadhya, the mid-eyebrow centre. Mooladhara and bindu have no contact point.

Now suppose you find yourself incapable of concentrating on manipura chakra or anahata chakra, you can utilise the contact centres. The contact points are switches and if you want to switch on this light, the contact point can be used. You should remember this.

Now we have some understanding about the chakras and contact points, but the problem remains, where is kundalini? Kundalini could have left its garage hours ago. Although the native town of kundalini is mooladhara chakra, we cannot be sure that it is still there, because incarnation after incarnation, the yoga minded people, the diligent aspirants, the disciples of gurus and the followers of faiths, have practised some sort of yoga in the form of religion or mysticism. By their practice in different lives and incarnations, they must have already undergone that event called awakening of kundalini. That is why I always tell people that, although the abode of kundalini is mooladhara chakra, she may not be there, but you will find her somewhere while practising kriya yoga. Maybe you will find her moving through swadhisthana, manipura or anahata, and then you can say, 'There she is!'

It is true that man is a spiritually developed being and the function of man during this lifetime is to go beyond and awaken that higher potential. That should be the prime purpose of everyone who wants to practise kriya yoga. So do not be afraid of awakening your kundalini. Man has led himself through thousands of adventures; he has spanned the oceans, climbed Everest, gone to the moon He has taken many risks. What is one more for a prize above all these?
Kriya yoga and kundalini

In tantra there are many methods which awaken kundalini, and out of them all, the practice of kriya yoga is considered to be most powerful. In India the science of kriya yoga was not known for many years, because it was never published. It was handed down traditionally from guru to disciple. Disciples, both householder and monastic, practised this kriya yoga and they found that through this practice, awakening of kundalini became a real and living experience.

You know that in this physical body you have six main chakras, or junctures of energy situated within the framework of the spine. The first centre is at the root of the tailbone. (I am talking about the physiology.) The sixth centre is at the top, at the terminating point of the spine. In between these two, there are lour other centres, one in the sacral region, another in the solar plexus, another in the cardiac plexus and another in the cervical plexus.

These six centres are linked by three pathways of energy, which emanate from the first centre below the tail bone. They are known as pingala - the pathway for prana; ida- the pathway for mind and consciousness, and sushumna - the pathway for higher consciousness, that is, the Self. The purpose of kriya yoga is therefore to create awakening in these chakras, to purify these pathways, and finally, to awaken the kundalini shakti, the evolutionary force in man.

There are many kriyas, many practices, but out of all these, a combination of seventeen is considered to be most powerful and effective. These seventeen practices are divided into two groups. One group is to be done with the eyes open and the other with the eyes closed. You may have come across a reference to this theme in the New Testament of the Bible, which speaks of a ladder from earth to heaven, divided into seven rungs. And in the practice of kriya yoga you climb half these steps with the eyes open and the other half with the eyes closed.

What does this mean? It means that out of these seventeen practices, you should do nine with the eyes open. Do not close your eyes during the first nine practices; that is the central instruction of kriya yoga. When I taught kriya yoga I found that people have a general tendency to close their eyes because it feels more relaxed, but again and again we keep reminding them, 'No, do not close your eyes.' You may blink, you may rest your eyes, but every practice up to the tenth has to be done with eyes open. That is point number one and it is very important.

Point number two: if you feel uncomfortable and you want to change your posture during the practice of kriya yoga, you can change it. You do not need to maintain the same posture, if it is uncomfortable. Point number three: you do not waste time in trying to control the mind during these practices. This is considered to be the most important point in kriya yoga and in tantra.

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